Third Hawaii Workshop on

Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures

University of Hawaii at Manoa

March 17-21, 2025


Since the mid-2000s, it became clear that parallelism is an essential tool for improving computational throughput of modern systems. Recognizing this fact, researchers in various fields of Computer Science, such as computer architectures, databases, programming languages, networking, and operating systems, have made significant advances in the infrastructure needed for parallel computing. Thus, given this foundation, there is a need for research that provides simple and efficient algorithms and data structures for exploiting this parallel computing infrastructure for faster solutions to important problems.


The aim of this workshop is to provide a productive environment for researchers in algorithms and data structures to meet and work on open problems in parallel computing.

The workshop aims to achieve the following goals:

This invitation-only workshop will take place over five days, Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 4pm, March 17-21, 2025, on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The focus of the workshop is on solving open problems and to promote new research collaborations (similar to the Bellairs Winter Workshop on Computational Geometry in Barbados).

While some invited participants will be given opportunities to present their work, presentations will be limited to a couple of hours in the mornings, with preference given to those who either propose open problems, introduce or describe models of computation conducive to algorithmic research for modern parallel architectures, or present new research directions. Late mornings and afternoons will be reserved for problem solving sessions. During this time, the participants will be free to form smaller groups, based on their research interests, and will work on solving open problems of their choice.

Location and Local Arrangements

The workshop will take place on the University of Hawaii at Manoa, campus, with space provided for small-group breakout sessions.

For more information about Accommodations and Transportation please see the Local Information, page.


Confirmed Participants

Student Participants


Workshop organizers would like to acknowledge generous funding and assistance from the following groups and organizations that made this workshop possible: