ICS 311 Spring 2015 Schedule

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Classes are in Webster 101. See the index page for categorical listings of all assignments and topics.

Week 1: Introduction and Basic Concepts

Week 2: Continuing Basic Concepts

Week 3: Analysis of Basic Data Structures

Week 4: Divide and Conquer and Binary Search Trees

Week 5: Heapsort, Priority Queues, Quicksort, Probabilistic Analysis, Randomized Algorithms

Week 6: Selection, Sorting Lower Bound, Linear Sorting

Week 7: Hash Tables and Balanced Trees

Week 8: Midterm and Review

Week 9: Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms

Week 10: Graph Represenations and Basic Algorithms

Spring Break 03/23-27

Week 11: Amortized Analysis, Union-Find, and Minimum Spanning Trees

Week 12: Finding Shortest Paths in Graphs

Week 13: Maximum Flow in Graphs and Multithreading

Week 14: Midterm and Midterm Review

Week 15: NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms

Week 16: Special Topics

Finals Week:

Last modified: Sat Apr 25 16:00:51 HST 2015